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Other Sites

Other sites for your studies – These sites are not affiliated with other than sharing the challenge to help the Christian “Rightly Divide the Word of Truth” from an Acts 28:28 perspective. These are non-denominational sites that offer the student of scripture a wealth of information. Some of the sites are tools to help you study.

Truth for Today

July 1, 1948 marked the beginning of the ministry of Truth For Today, Inc. Mr. Oscar M. Baker, the founding editor, had a deep concern for neighbors and friends, having been blessed and encouraged in his studies of the Scriptures by applying the divinely given study principle of “Right Division”, and he desired to share those blessings with others. His method of sharing those blessings would be the little Bible study paper known as Truth For Today, and that is still at the center of the ministry. His first issue was only about 150 copies. He mailed it to all on the township tax rolls. 

After almost four decades of faithful service in the ministry of Truth For Today and the death of his dear wife Mae on April 17th, 1986, Mr. Baker fell asleep in the Lord on January 19th, 1987 and it became necessary to move the ministry to Lafayette, Indiana. Joe Watkins was the first steward of the ministry there in February of 1986, a year after losing his own wife Betty. In late 1986 he met Marjorie Kayser at a bible conference in Linton, Indiana who had lost her husband some years earlier. The two were wed in 1987 and Truth For Today prospered under Joe’s leadership of faithful service until 2001 when Joe suffered a debilitating stroke that left him bed-ridden and limited his ability to perform the duties of the ministry. Bob Guenther took the reins for Truth for Today in June of 2002 and led the group in Lafayette. In March 2007, Bob married a lady named Valerie, and together with the group there, gave of their hearts and talents in support of Truth For Today until late 2016 when the ministry was transferred to South Carolina. Truth For Today is still alive and well supported by Ronnie and Lori McCurry and the large study group there. The heart of the ministry is still the Bibles, books, and other study aids featured on our website book listing. The loving generosity of the many who share our concern make it possible for us to offer Truth For Today free of charge to anyone, anywhere, upon request. We also do what we can among the needy to assist the serious student and teacher with books and Bibles featured on our book list. 

Today we print over 2000 copies of each issue of Truth Today, not a large number, but the seed of truth is being widely sown. It is presently being sent to all 50 states and to 61 other nations. Through the paper, and now our web site, we make available the writings of Bible teachers such as Mr. E. W. Bullinger, Mr. Charles H. Welch, Mr. Stuart Allen, and other men of GOD who have lived and labored faithfully, honoring the Lord’s command in II Timothy 2:15 and Philippians 1:10 to “Rightly Divide” the Word of Truth. 

Through our web site we are now able to offer new ways to expand our small ministry by offering different articles, book reviews, and our current book list. The editor of Truth for Today is a faithful member of the group in South Carolina, Chip Winchester. If you like the articles and book reviews and would like a copy of Truth For Today, or you would like to have your name added to our mailing list, you can contact us at the address below or by e-mail. Remember, Truth For Today is mailed out bi-monthly to anyone, anywhere upon request free of charge. Please write or e-mail us with any questions, concerns, or comments you may have.

Email: Mailing address: Truth For Today, Inc., PO Box 607, West Union, SC  29696.

Bible Understanding

This web site is a collection of Bible studies by non-denominational Christian writers whose purpose is to help you understand God’s Word. It is our hope that you look at each lesson as a Berean, searching the scriptures of Truth prayerfully: “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:” (Eph.1:17) Through this web site, you can listen to over 2,000 free Bible study audios on most any subject of the Bible. You’ll also find the writings of dispensational Christian Bible teachers such as Charles Welch, Stuart Allen, Oscar Baker and more. These teachers understood and taught the Bible study principles of “rightly dividing the Word of Truth” (2. Tim. 2:15) and “analyzing things that are different” (Phil.1:9,10). It is our hope that your study of God’s Word will be enriched through their teachings.

Carolina Bible Group

In this present dispensation of grace, believers have access to the Father by the shed blood of His son, Christ Jesus and the opportunity to see the “Mystery” revealed to Paul during this time. Paul explains this fully in the last seven books he penned after the “setting aside” of Israel at Acts 28:28, which are Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Titus, Philemon, and I and II Timothy. Paul fulfills the Word of God with the “Mystery” that was hid but is now made know by him.

Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming [thither] went into the synagogue of the Jews.
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

As you visit our website, we only ask that you do as the people of Berea who “received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”

Levend Water

Levend Water Site Map (This is a Dutch based site but contains a wealth of English material including the entire Companion Bible appendixes).  Living Waters is a Bible website. Bible Studies of Living Water are refreshing and innovative. They give a totally different view of the Bible, Christ and ourselves. Did you know that the Apostle Paul after Acts announced a new gospel to the Gentiles?  It is a message that had remained hidden for centuries re: in God, Ephesians 3: 9, “The Mystery!” God has now revealed this mystery: Ephesians 1: 17-19.  It concerns the upper heavenly calling of Christ and His church. This message of Paul for this time was rejected by the official churches. Church teaching traditions, dogmas and doctrines of people came in their place. We try to forget this message from God’s Word again to draw attention.

Open Bible Trust

The Open Bible Trust is a non-denominational publisher of Bible study resources. Our resources cover subjects from Genesis to Revelation, Practical Christianity to The Godhead, and everything in between! Our site showcases the rich variety of our resources and lets you get a taste of what we do.

Our history started In 1984, where a group of Christians from various denominations got together to form The Open Bible Trust. Their wish was “to help others come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and to further their faith by all means, including the provision of publications, courses, lectures, cassettes and meetings”.

Paul’s Gospel Blog

ERRORS OF MID ACTS THEORY EXPOSED! Brother Brian Kelson has long had a heart and ministry for gently presenting Bible verses that expose and correct the wrong thinking of those who place the temporary setting aside of Israel’s program in the book of Acts anywhere before it really occurred – in Acts 28. The gospel of grace was part of Israel’s New Covenant package – not just something pertaining to the current “dispensation of the grace of God” according to the “revelation of the mystery” revealed to Paul in prison. PAUL’S GOSPEL BLOG is a Ministry of Deborah L. Collins.

Chick Publications

Chick Publications is best known for Chick cartoon tracts. They are not an Acts 28 site nor do they promote Right Division but their gospel tracts are ones that people actually like to read! These gospel cartoon tracts are available in over 100 languages and are very popular, with over 900 million sold. Jack Chick went to be with Jesus on October 23rd, 2016, but before he died, he hand-picked leaders that would continue the ministry of publishing the gospel in cartoon format. They are continuing to supply the same gospel by the same method that has led so many to Jesus. Christians who use them today repeatedly confirm that they still work because: CHICK TRACTS GET READ!

Jack had been praying about someone who could help him research topics for the tracts. In August, 2000, Jack hired David W. Daniels to be his tract writing partner. David learned Jack’s style of using an engaging story to drive home the truth of the gospel. David is a pro King James only teacher.

In 2009, David W. Daniels had a passion to alert Christians to the changes that were being made by Bible publishers. So he wrote Look What’s Missing to highlight some of the most important verses that have been removed by modern Bible publishers. Have you checked to see what’s missing from YOUR Bible?