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Memorial Day Holiday

Romans 5:7-8 KJV Thank God for those who died for our freedom. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the men and women who died while serving in the country's armed forces. The holiday, which is celebrated every year on the final Monday of May, was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials, particularly to honor those who have died in military service. Many volunteers place an American flag on each grave in national cemeteries. Annual Decoration Days for particular cemeteries are held on a Sunday in late spring or early summer in some rural areas of the American South, notably in the mountains. In cases involving a family graveyard where remote ancestors as well as those who were deceased more recently are buried, this may take on the character of an extended family reunion to which some people travel hundreds of miles. People gather on the designated day and put flowers on graves and renew contacts with kinfolk and others. There often is a religious service and a "dinner on the ground," the traditional term for a potluck meal in which people used to spread the dishes out on sheets or tablecloths on the grass. It is believed that this practice began before the American Civil War and thus may reflect the real origin of the "Memorial Day" idea.

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Derek McCammon's avatar
May 25, 2003

Pleroma – Part 2

Pleroma - Part 2. The lesson on May 25, 2003 continues the lesson on the Pleroma but first remembers Memorial Day in America which is the holiday that honors America’s war casualties. A handout was given showing how many Americans...
Derek McCammon's avatar
May 26, 2002

Memorial Day 2002

Memorial Day 2002. usually conjurs up thoughts of swimming and a nice three day weekend to kick off the summer. Most pools open on Memorial Day for the summer so everyone is excited to break out their new swimsuits and...