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June 30, 2024

The Book of Matthew

This study on the book of Matthew was started on June 30, 2024 and will be a thorough study of the first book of the Gospels. We will learn that in this book, the Lord is presented as Jehovah's King so the royal genealogy is presented from Abraham and David downward.  Mark presents the Lord as Jehovah's servant, hence no genealogy is required. In Luke, the Lord is presented as Jehovah's man.  Last, in John,  the Lord is presented as Jehovah Himself, where no genealogy is required.  This study will focus on showing how Jesus ministry from birth to His baptism in water. The threefold temptation in the wilderness to the time he began to preach the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  We will learn how His ministry changed to show how He would suffer, die and be resurrected.  Their is evidence in the Greek manuscripts showing why this is the first Gospel.  Follow along as each lesson will go into detail using right division to bring clarity to the student of scripture.
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August 22, 2023


This series looks at the wisdom of Solomon from a chapter by chapter study of the book of Proverbs.  When you look at the Hebrew and Greek words for Wisdom, you will find "Sophia" in the New Testament (Greek word σοφία, ας, ἡ) and "Chokmah" in the Old Testament (Hebrew word ‎חָכְמָ֥ה).  In the Old Testament, these verses in Exod. 28:3; 31:3, 6; 35:26, 31, 35; 36:1-2 convey the meaning as having the skill to perform certain duties.  In the New Testament, we will find these verses in Eph. 1:8, 17; 3:10; Col. 1:9, 28; 2:3, 23; 3:16; 4:5 show us in our calling today, we are educating the principalities and powers in heavenly places the manifold wisdom of God which He purposes in Christ Jesus our Lord.  This study will attempt to answer these four questions: What are the “many sides” of this manifold wisdom? What is wisdom? How does wisdom differ from understanding? and How can Proverbs help?
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March 26, 2023

The Remnant

This study will look at the remnant that is found in scripture and its role in God's plan.  Who is the remnant?  When you search the scriptures for the word "remnant" you find the majority of references in the Old Testament, where a majority are found in Isaiah and Jeremiah but very few are found in the New Testament.  Only in Matthew, Romans and Revelation do we find "the remnant" and that suggests it is only related to Israel's calling. There are two Hebrew word that are related in this research: Sarid and Shear.  Sarid means escape destruction and Shear insures ultimate fulfillment and establishment.   Isaiah 6:13 speaks the remnants return.  It speaks of them being called, chosen and faithful in Revelation 17:14 KJV. There are two significant types of "election" - Personal and Corporate.  When we look at "to choose" it crosses over into the scriptures of The Mystery in Ephesians 1:4 where PAul tells us "according as he hath chosen us in him".  Are we then in The Mystery part of the Remnant?  Follow this study and you will be sure of who the remnant is.
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October 23, 2022

Law and Grace

This study follows the Hebrews study of "Running the Race" where it will explore the question whether or not the Law is active in today's calling of The Mystery.  We learned of how grace was a part of Israel's plan from the beginning but now this study hopes to clarify how the Law lives within our calling where Grace is the emphasis.  This study will answer these statements:
  • We are NOT “under” the law, so we do not need to obey the LAW.
  • We are to rightly divide the word of truth and therefore we conclude that the law was given to the Jews and we gentiles are not concerned with it.
  • We are believers in the revelation of the mystery given to Paul the prisoner and this means a complete rejection of any teaching given to Israel. Therefore “the law” is out!
  • The law was given to Moses NOT Paul the prisoner, so we do not preach law observance
  • The law was full of types and patterns about Israel’s promises so we do not preach it or observe it.
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May 30, 2022

High Road, Low Road Conference

The High Road, Low Road conference was held at Northside Bible Church during Memorial Day weekend on Sunday May 29, 2022.  It's focus was learning the value of Right Division in studying the bible and preparing the Christian warrior to battle denominationalism whereby you are defending the freedom you have in Christ vs. the many traditions and legalisms that are put on you by various church denominations.  This study was presented in two parts to the completion of the study.
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March 27, 2022

Running the Race

This series started on March 27, 2022 and looks at the book of Hebrews compared to Philippians. It looks at the author of Hebrews being the Apostle Paul and then dives into what is being taught to the Hebrew Christians during the Acts period, challenging them to strive for perfection on their walk to receive rewards. PAul then writes Philippians after Acts 28 and similarly writes to the Gentiles who are called in The Mystery to run the race to receive their rewards.
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About Wayne Stewart

Dr. Wayne Stewart was raised in Auckland New Zealand and studied at the University of Auckland. For a number of years Wayne taught Math and Physics in high schools in New Zealand and the USA. After marrying Sepideh in 1994, he returned with her to the University of Auckland where he studied ancient Greek and statistics. In 2007 he was awarded a PhD in Statistics and then took a job within the department of Statistics (UoA) and remained there till 2012. During the course of his studies he was busy preaching and teaching at the Grace Bible Church located in New Lynn Auckland, NZ. Grace is one of the very few churches in the Southern hemisphere which teaches the scriptures rightly divided. Wayne and family now live in Norman Oklahoma, where they look to the Lord for his leading in their lives.

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