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November 29, 2015

The Apocalypse

This study looks at the book of Revelation from the perspective of Man, His Nature and Destiny which means the lessons will look at the judgments revealed in revelation as it pertains to man.  Whether or not the perspective of eternal torment for the lost is accurate as opposed to just perishing with the appropriate amount of punishment.  This study is best followed by the Man, His Nature and Destiny to provide the context of how by looking at Revelation we may expand our understanding of Man's destiny.

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October 18, 2015

Man, His Nature and Destiny

This study looks at Man, His Nature and Destiny.  It comes after the First Corinthians study which looked at the resurrection and the attributes of the resurrected body.  This study will look at why God created man, what was his purpose in the plan of God.  We will learn abut the tri-part attributes of a human with the body, soul and spirit.  Death and resurrection will be analyzed and how one might find immortality.  This study will be surely important to grow in your understanding of God's plan for you if you choose to pay attention and respond to the truth of it.

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July 12, 2015

Occupy till I come

This is a study on Right Division using First Corinthians as an example.  These lessons were taught from Auckland, New Zealand at Grace Bible Church by Dr. Wayne Stewart.  The theme of this study was "Occupy till I come" which was found in a parable in Luke 19:13 KJV and emphasis was put on identifying the biblical economy found after Acts 28. The Christian needs to identify the attributes of the economy and how it changes during Acts period with the Apostle Paul.  This study compliments the First Corinthians study and is one you should listen to that focuses on our calling today.

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September 14, 2014

First Corinthians

Why study the book of First Corinthians? This book gives a good look into the Acts economy and to the personality of Paul. When we study this epistle we will appreciate many issues of the first ministry of Paul during a time when Israel was first and God was respecting and honouring his covenanted people, the nation of Israel. Many issues of today relate directly to the topics addressed in this epistle such as speaking in tongues 1Cor 12-14; factions within the church 1:11,12; abuses of the Lord's supper; taking of believers to law before the unbeliever  6:1-8;  food and idols 8:1-3;  marriage and how it should work in the "time is short" age of the Acts 7:1-40 and the issue of people denying the resurrection 15:12. The context of these issues and how Acts 28 clarifies these problems will be of import to all of us. There are many histories written concerning the ancient town of Corinth and it's immoral temple. We will skip over this for now and discuss only those issues from ancient history as they impringe on the context of the passages we discuss.

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August 31, 2014

Your Calling

This study consists of two "compound" lessons that were extended into multiple lessons due to the vast amount of material that pertained to understand your calling.  They were started on August 3, 2014 and the emphasis on these two lessons "The Others" and "Ye See Your Calling" was to help the christian see that they have been called into a special calling that was hidden before the foundation of the world and revealed after Acts 28 when judgement came upon Israel and God revealed this sacred secret.  It has been said the christian must first believe upon Christ as your personal savior, then you must believe upon your calling.  The Apostle PAul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus was praying that christians might be given a spirit of wisdom and knowledge so they may see what is the hope of their calling.  These lessons help you understand what that calling is... the unsearchable riches of Christ. 

Ephesians 1:17-18 KJV "17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,"

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October 6, 2013


Wayne StewartEphesians is a great study for us today because it is the first book of Paul's second ministry to the Gentiles.  We know that Paul was called to be the minister to the Gentiles in Acts chapter 9 and Paul declares so in Hebrews 11:13 KJV.  Paul had two ministries, the first was to the Jew, and the second was to the Gentile.  With his Apostleship to the Gentiles, it took on a entirely new calling in Ephesians, which is considered his Prison ministry.

Paul's first seven books were part of his first ministry, and the second seven books are when the calling shifted to the Gentile only because he revealed a secret that was hidden in God before the foundation of the world.  This study series looks at the secret now revealed to us called The Mystery.

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About Wayne Stewart

Dr. Wayne Stewart was raised in Auckland New Zealand and studied at the University of Auckland. For a number of years Wayne taught Math and Physics in high schools in New Zealand and the USA. After marrying Sepideh in 1994, he returned with her to the University of Auckland where he studied ancient Greek and statistics. In 2007 he was awarded a PhD in Statistics and then took a job within the department of Statistics (UoA) and remained there till 2012. During the course of his studies he was busy preaching and teaching at the Grace Bible Church located in New Lynn Auckland, NZ. Grace is one of the very few churches in the Southern hemisphere which teaches the scriptures rightly divided. Wayne and family now live in Norman Oklahoma, where they look to the Lord for his leading in their lives.

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